Here I want to redirect our two websites visitors ( and to same public IP but to two different pool.
If someone types, LTM needs to redirect to a specific path /en and specific pool name en_pool
If someone types, LTM needs to redirect to a specific path /ph and specific pool name ph_pool
when HTTP_REQUEST { set myhost [string tolower [HTTP::host]] set myuri [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] if {$myhost contains ""} { if { [HTTP::path] eq "/"} { HTTP::redirect "https://[HTTP::host]/en/" pool en_pool } else { pool en_pool} } if {$myhost contains ""} { if { [HTTP::path] eq "/"} { HTTP::redirect "https://[HTTP::host]/ph/" pool ph_pool } else { pool ph_pool} } else { pool microsoft_pool } }
iRules API | Description | Example |
HTTP::uri | Returns the URI of the HTTP request. This typically does not include the protocol or hostname, just the path and query string, starting with a slash. | example 1: HTTP::uri returns /wp-admin/admin.php?page=tablepress&action=edit&table_id=9 |
HTTP::path | Returns Path part of the HTTP request. | example 1: HTTP:path returns / example 2: HTTP:path returns /wp-admin/admin.php |
HTTP::host | Returns host header of the HTTP request along with port but when non-standard port is specified (expect 80 (HTTP) or 443(HTTPS)) | example 1: HTTP::host returns example 2: http://itadminguide:7003 HTTP::host returns itadminguide:7003 |