Upgrade Cisco WLC and Access Points to fix KRACK Attacks

On Oct 16th 2017, 7 vulnerabilities affecting both WPA and WPA2 were made publicly available. Additional research also led to discovery of 3 additional vulnerabilities. …

Backup Cisco Mobility Express Configuration

Here is the solution to backup Cisco Mobility Express Configuration. If you are backing up the controller, you do not need to backup each AP.…

CLI commands to troubleshoot AP not joining Mobility Express Controller

We encountered an issue with one of our Cisco 1850 Access Point, it was not joining Mobility Express Controller and throwing an error while you…

Convert CAPWAP Cisco 1852I Access Point to Mobility Express

Pre-requisites: Cisco 1850 series access point must not join any existing controller in the network. If so, disconnect or isolate the AP from joining any controller…

Cisco 1850 Mobility Express Configuration – Video Tutorial

[wpdevart_youtube]NaSLHokze6E[/wpdevart_youtube] Our video tutorial missed to clarify few information, so we explained here and are IPs of SVI configured on the switches. is…

Review of Cisco Meraki Facebook Wi-Fi

Configuration of Facebook Wi-Fi in Cisco Meraki: In  Cisco Meraki dashboard, navigate to Wireless > SSIDs > edit settings of Access Control. Then configure as below Under…

Cisco Wireless LAN Controller – Things to know

WLC doesn’t allow upload or download from a wireless TFTP/FTP computer that is associated to an access point. This has always been by Cisco WLC design. You need…

Upgrade Cisco WLC and predownload image to AP

  Previously, we upgrade the WLC with the new image and when AP discovers controller with the new image, they all start downloading new image from controller, resets,…

About Mobility Express deployment

A. General Mobility Express is software function of WLAN controllers that any network component can host. Cisco Aironet 1850 and 1830 series Access Points (802.11ac wave2…