Category: Cisco ASA

How to setup Cisco ASA in High Availability Active/Standby Failover
In a highly critical environment, we strongly recommend to setup Cisco ASAs in high availability mode. This way, if the Active ASA unit fails, the…
Apply and Activate Cisco ASA License
On every purchase of ASA firewall, Cisco ships product authorization key known as PAK in printed format along with delivery. The steps remain same irrespective…
Can’t ping ASA inside interface over IPSec VPN
Even though, IPSec VPN is successfully established between 2 ends of your network, you can’t ping ASA inside over IPSec VPN from the other end.…

Configure IKEV1 Site to Site VPN between Cisco ASA and Paloalto Firewall
In this guide, we are configuring IKEV1 VPN between Cisco ASA and Paloalto firewall. This is applicable to all models of Cisco and PA firewalls.…

Cisco ASA Error – AnyConnect package on the secure gateway could not be located
You might be experiencing a similar issue while connecting through Cisco ASA AnyConnect to your remote network. Even though you have loaded the proper AnyConnect image…

Copy image to standby Cisco ASA
Copy IOS image to standby Cisco ASA unit, for example in order to copy asa942-6-smp-k8.bin from tftp server ( to Standby ASA disk0, execute following…

Running Commands on Standby Cisco ASA
In order to execute Cisco ASA commands on Standby unit, use failover exec as prefix. failover exec is used to execute commands on a specific…

Alternate to Cisco Client VPN for Windows 10
If you are looking for an alternate software for Cisco Client VPN software, here is the step by step guide to set it up.This worked…

Packet Tracer Phase 9 Type:VPN Subtype:encrypt Result:DR
We have an issue of no traffic flow over IPSec VPN, however the VPN is successfully established between Cisco ASA firewalls in Site A and…

Configure Cisco ASA Firepower Services for the first time
Before you proceed with configuration, ensure that Source FirePower (SFR) service is up and running on your ASA ASA# sh module Mod Card Type Model…