exit(var_dump( $wpdb->last_query )) prints the last query that is executed by database. This is very useful for developers to verify and troubleshoot errors in your query syntax or data format.
One sample is presented here for you.
if ($wpdb->update(“laundry_item_master”, array(
‘dryclean_normal’ => $dryclean_normal,
‘dryclean_urgent’ => $dryclean_urgent,
‘washing_normal’ => $washing_normal,
‘washing_urgent’ => $washing_urgent,
‘pressing_normal’ => $pressing_normal,
‘pressing_urgent’ => $pressing_urgent,
‘modified_date’ => current_time(‘mysql’, false) ,
‘modified_by’ => $current_user->user_login
) , array(
‘item_id’ => $item_id
)) === FALSE)
exit( var_dump( $wpdb->last_query ) );
echo “<br /><br />Error occurred while updating record! Please check your entries and try once again or contact Administrator.”;
echo “<br /><br />Records are successfully updated.”;