Unable to SSH to ASA

We had an issue in SSH to Cisco ASA firewall that was recently purchased and setup in network. While troubleshooting further, we could see some error…

Traffic between ASA interfaces of same security level

Error: Deny inbound UDP from to due to DNS query This problem occurs when you have configured 2 or more interfaces of Cisco ASA…

Cisco ASA cannot ping any hosts on outside

Out of the box Cisco ASA firewall doesn’t permit ICMP traffic, that means the firewall permits ping traffic out but it won’t let the reply traffic to come inside. The…

Cisco ASA ASDM in Windows 10

This error occurred in Windows 10 computer while trying to connect Cisco ASA 5506-x via ASDM. Error: ASDM did not get a response from the ASA in…

Cisco ASA as DHCP Server for Guest Network

This is one of the most common deployment where you want Cisco ASA to lease IP address for your wireless Guests. We have a Windows…

Create CSR and Install certificate in Cisco ASA Firewall

Generate CSR via Cisco ASA CLI Commands 1. Before generating a CSR request, you must create a private key (config)# crypto key generate rsa label…

Cisco ASA AnyConnect Configuration and Troubleshooting

1.Create Network Objects (config)# object network office-subnet subnet (config)# object network anyconnect-subnet subnet 2.Create DHCP Pool for Anyconnect client (config)# ip…

Static bidirectional NAT on Cisco ASA firewall

In this configuration, is an SMTP Server that we would like to publish on internet with public IP address and open port tcp/25.  STATIC NAT: …

Configure IKEv1 Site to Site VPN between Cisco ASAs

  Step 1: Configure Phase 1 and Phase 2 In ASA of both sides Phase 1: IKE policy In Phase 1, single bi-directional SA (Security…

Configure IKEv2 Site to Site VPN between Cisco ASAs

We are using the following topology, the most popular one. 2 sites in different geographical location and both have static IP address configured in their…