Commands | Description |
show sysinfo | To view System ObjectID, System Uptime, Configured Country and high-level information. |
show time | To display the Cisco wireless LAN controller time and date |
Access Points
Commands | Description |
show ap summary | To view number of APs, AP Model, AP Name, Ethernet MAC address, Location, IP address and more importantly Country configured. It also shows you number of Clients connected. |
show ap image all | To view software image of APs. At the time of upgrade, this command is useful to view Predownload Status. |
show ap join stats summary all | To view status of APs joined to Controller or not |
show ap inventory all | To view serial numbers of all APs |
Commands | Description |
show client summary | To display a summary of clients by MAC address associated with APs. You get to know if client connected on 5 or 2.4GHz and to which AP. |
show client detail | To display detailed information for a client on a AP |
Commands | Description |
show wlan summary | To view SSIDs configured and if they are enabled or disabled |
Master AP
Commands | Description |
show ap next-preferred-master | To display the status of the master AP |
config ap next-preferred-master | To configure the master AP that has been elected to take over as the new master AP |
clear ap next-preferred-master | To clear the configuration of the master AP |