Category: Wordpress

Disable Gutenberg without plugin
Without using any external WordPress plugin, you can still disable Gutenberg with these codes in functions.php

How to securely deploy Sucuri Firewall
Secure your websites using Sucuri Firewall. Here is the best deployment method of Sucuri Firewall to protect your websites.

How to disable JetPack email notification of new posts to Subscribers?
Here is how to add a checkbox option to every new post of whether or not to email the post to Jetpack subscribers. Use the…

php – Class ‘COM’ not found
COM and DOTNET are not available by default in PHP Core, php.ini. You have to manually add COM support to PHP if you face issue.…

How to quickly import CSV file into MySQL table
Import CSV into MySQL This is a simple version of LOAD DATA command to import simple CSV file into MySQL table. It look only .02…

How to get size of each table of a MySQL Database
This SQL query provides you with list of all tables with largest size in a MySQL database that is executed. SELECT table_schema AS `Database`,table_name AS…

Debug WordPress
WP_DEBUG is an useful debugging tool available in WordPress to see PHP errors on your website and they are helpful for developers to troubleshoot issues…

PHP Isset() and Empty()
Empty() Returns False if empty() has non-empty and non-zero value. Returns True for Null, 0, “” Isset() Returns False for Null Returns True for…

WordPress – Use javascript to print specific contents in page
This solution worked for me. Step 1: Specify the printable contents inside this div. <a href=’javascript:printContent(“ad_div”)’ id=’print_link’>Print</a> <div id=’ad_div’> specify your printable content here……