Category: Wordpress

Add Javascript in WordPress Pages
WordPress defaults security feature restricts use of JavaScript into your content. However there are plenty of plugins out in WordPress that allows JavaScript within page or…

WordPress – How to pass variable as parameter in URL
This simple method worked for my WordPress website to pass a parameter in URL. In this tutorial, the Datewise Invoices page lists down all the invoices created between…

showing errors with wpdb update or insert query
exit(var_dump( $wpdb->last_query )) prints the last query that is executed by database. This is very useful for developers to verify and troubleshoot errors in your…

wpdb last_query, last_result, last_error
There are times that you wanted to print the exact query itself or query result right after it is executed. Use following wpdb class variables to…

Difference between wpdb get_row(), get_results(), get_var() and get_query()
WordPress defines a class called wpdb, which contains a set of functions used to interact with a database. Its primary purpose is to provide an…

WordPress change port 80 to 8080
Its a common practice to have WordPress running on XAMPP, but how to fix your WordPress site, if you have changed your default Apache port 80…