Tag: Wordpress

Find and replace text in all WordPress Posts
Better Search Replace is the best WordPress plugin to search and replace any text in all the posts in your WordPress site

Prevent WordPress auto conversion of double hyphen
In functions.php, add the following line at the end remove_filter( 'the_content', 'wptexturize' );

Configure Mail Settings in WordPress
Use Contact Form and Post SMTP free plugins to setup mail settings in WordPress website

Disable Themes and Plugin Editor from WordPress Admin
Consider restricting themes and plugin editor from Admin Panel to prevent hackers who break into your website to distribute malware or conduct DDOS.

How to fix WordPress upload error unexpected response from the server
You might experience the following upload error in WordPress: Unexpected response from the server. The file may have been uploaded successfully.

Disable Gutenberg without plugin
Without using any external WordPress plugin, you can still disable Gutenberg with these codes in functions.php

How to disable JetPack email notification of new posts to Subscribers?
Here is how to add a checkbox option to every new post of whether or not to email the post to Jetpack subscribers. Use the…