Category: Zabbix
How to integrate Zabbix with Slack
Step 1: Create a Slack App: 1.Go to the Slack API website ( and sign in with your Slack workspace credentials. 2. Click on “Add…
Create Port Monitoring in Zabbix
Step 1: Create an item for monitoring port, which can be done at the host or template level. In the example below, I generated at…

Troubleshoot Zabbix Agent
zabbix_get is a command line utility for getting data from Zabbix agent and troubleshoot agent communication with Zabbix server.

Monitor Docker using Zabbix
Use Zabbix Agent 2 to monitor docker containers

Monitor Website in Zabbix
1.Select the host in Zabbix 2.In the Applications tab, click on Create Application and specify name 3.In the Web Scenario tab, click Create web scenario…

Zabbix Agent doesn’t start – Failed with result ‘exit-code’.
We encountered problem after fresh installation of Zabbix Agent in Ubuntu. Zabbix Installation Error zabbix_agentd[4770]: zabbix_agentd [4770]: /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf.d: [2] No suc systemd[1]: zabbix-agent.service: Control process…