Category: Cisco Switch

Configure SNMPv3 on Cisco Switch
Easy steps to configure SNMPv3 on Cisco devices

Difference Between SNMP V1, V2c and V3
Difference between SNMP Versions v1, v2c and v3

Configure NTP on Cisco
This article explains you in detail about NTP configuration on Cisco devices. There are two ways to configure. First I explain about simple NTP configuration…

Cisco Switch is not prompting for enable password
If you experience something like your Cisco Switch or Router is not prompting for enable password and directly logs into privilege mode then you have…

Recover Cisco Switch Ports from err-disabled State
How to view and recover Cisco Switch ports from err-disabled state

Find out bandwidth used on Cisco Switch
#show interface summary command provides bandwidth utilization of each Cisco switch interface, VLAN and port channels. You can either measure bits per sec using RXBS/TXBS…

POE, POE+ vs UPOE: What’s the difference?
You need to calculate the power requirements for all the powered devices that you plan to connect to switch. Also be careful while laying longer…

Display debugging on ssh session or console
To display Cisco debug output on the current SSH or Telnet session switch# logging on // enabled by default switch# logging monitor …
Upgrade a Cisco Stack Switch
As a Network Engineer, you need to perform regular upgrade of your Cisco Stack Switch to latest and stable IOS version in order to fix…