tcpdump is a packet sniffing command line tool to capture TCP/IP packets that are received or transmitted on a specific interface. This tool has been used widely for troubleshooting purpose, as well as for security assessments. The output of tcpdump command can be viewed using free wireshark tool.
tcpdump cli options | Description |
tcpdump -i 2.1 | To view the traffic on a single specific interface. |
tcpdump -i internal | To view the traffic on a specific VLAN called internal. |
tcpdump -i eth0 | To view the traffic on the management interface. |
tcpdump -i 0.0 | To view the traffic on all interfaces. It creates potentially large files, hence use filters to limit the size of files. |
tcpdump -ni | By default, tcpdump attempts to resolve names for IP address, and wait for response from DNS Server, so this process can be time consuming. To disable name resolution, use -n flag |
tcpdump -w | tcpdump utility does not print data to the screen while it is capturing to a file. To stop the capture, press CTRL-C |
tcpdump -s0 | To specify the amount of each packet to capture. To capture the entire packet, use a value of 0 (zero). |
tcpdump filters | Description |
tcpdump host | To view all packets that are traveling to or from a specific IP address. |
tcpdump src host | To view all packets that are traveling from a specific IP address. |
tcpdump dst host | To view all packets that are traveling to a particular IP address. |
tcpdump port 80 | To view all packets that are either sourced from or destined to a specific port. |
tcpdump src port 80 | To view all packets that are sourced from a specific port. |
tcpdump dst port 80 | To view all packets that are destined to a specific port. |
The above commands can be combined as below
tcpdump src host and dst host
tcpdump -ni 0.0.nnn -s0 -w /var/tmp/capjun2018.dmp
If you are troubleshooting a case with F5 appliance, you must also know about capturing extended TMM data with tcpdump, click this link to read the article.
tcpdump -i <interface>:<noise amplitude> køb cialis
The noise amplitude defines the level of TMM details included in the packet capture. The following noise levels may be captured:
n: Low details
nn: Low and medium details
nnn: Low, medium, and high details