Category: Linux

Difference between /sbin/nologin and /bin/false
Both /sbin/nologin and /bin/false are used to refuse login attempt however they differ slightly on providing customizable error message.

Fix print_req_error: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
In fresh Ubuntu installation, fix print_req_error: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0

Ubuntu installation loop after mentioning static IP address
Ubuntu installation process is continuously returning back to the beginning when you setup static IP address in the network configuration. In order to overcome this…

Fix orange state of Ubuntu virtual machine in VirtualBox
When you experience problem with Ubuntu virtual machine stuck on Orange screen without desktop access, you can overcome it by increasing video memory of VM.

VirtualBox Error – same UUID as existing virtual machine
In Oracle Virtualbox, add virtual machine copies to list of orignal VM using this trick. However best approach is cloning VMs and not copy.

Disable Secure Boot in Ubuntu
Disable Secure Boot in Ubuntu Virtual Machines without rebuilding entire server.

Create permission in local XAMPP server in Ubuntu
Follow this single step to assign write permissions in XAMPP htdocs folder in Ubuntu in order to access your hosted web application without permission issues.

Access Folder and Copy/Paste between Windows and Ubuntu on Oracle Virtualbox
Steps to access share folder and enable copy/paste between Windows computer and Ubuntu running on Oracle Virtualbox environment. You will find it so much needed…

How to Start XAMPP Control Panel in Ubuntu
Commands to start XAMPP Control Panel in Ubuntu

Install Brackets Editor in Ubuntu and other Linux Distributions
How to install Brackets, an open-source, lightweight and powerful text editor. Brackets makes the web development easy to design for web designers and front-end developers.